Sven Stöferle Sven Stöferle

heeeey only took 6 fuckin years

long time no see or such. yea took a long pause with the releases, gained a lot of experience in production and (alomost…) fangled out lot or private bs. I mean there where some live shows here and there and some stuff on youtube and twitch. but i took the time I needed and im happy to anncounce that my old/new single “Acid Jam” is commming this Friday.

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Sven Stöferle Sven Stöferle

A new beginning

A new beginning

Time for a restart…

Chaning my name form “VNDRGXND” [‘Underground’] to Sven, because nobody get it.

With the rebranding I’m focusing on more stuff to come and getting more music out. I have a sourtian amount of songs almoste ready, but they still need some polishment.

Time is a big factor for me and with my full-time job and paragliding and stuff, it’s hard to keep up.

But I guarantey that the next blog entry is gonna be a release!


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